Seaford Medical Practice

Influenza and Pneumococcal Prevention

Influenza remains a very frequent cause of death in the UK.  Every person over the age of 65 years should have an influenza vaccination. It is also particularly recommended for patients under 65 years who suffer from chest and heart disease, diabetes, kidney, liver disease and other chronic health problems. Carers of patients with these diseases are also advised to have the vaccination.

We run regular clinics throughout October and into early November. Appointments for this clinic can be made at reception from early September.

Government guidelines recommend that everyone over the age of 65 is immunised against pneumonia.  We have the vaccine available all year round, and this is a ‘once in a lifetime’ vaccination for most people.  Please speak to your Doctor or one of the Nursing Team if you have any queries.

Date published: 1st September, 2021
Date last updated: 1st September, 2021