M.B,B.S, MRCGP, DRCOG, PGCERT (Med Ed and Leadership)
Exec Partner
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I started my Registrar training at the Practice in 2012 and briefly worked in London before returning to Sussex. I have been a Partner since 2015 and am a GP Trainer. I am married with two children and enjoy reading, travelling, cooking and exploring the gorgeous Sussex Countryside.
Dr Ian Cockburn
MBBS,DRCOG,MRCGP (London 2000)
Exec Partner
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Having qualified at St. Bartholomew’s and working as a junior doctor in East London, I returned back home to Sussex. I live locally with my wife, children and various animals! In any spare time, I’m outside on the Downs or insider reading, cooking and making things.
Dr Paul Aron
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I graduated from The University of Birmingham in 2003 and completed my GP training in London in 2009. I have a young family which keeps me busy and I enjoy photography, music and cycling.
Dr Serena de Clermont
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I qualified from St. George’s Hospital Medical School in 2005 and did my vocational training in Brighton. I joined the Practice in August 2010. My special interests are women’s health and care of the elderly.
I completed GP training in Shropshire in 2010 and went on to work both rurally and in London, before joining the Practice in 2017. I have a broad interest in all areas of general practice, including performing arts medicine. I enjoy music, exercise and spending time with my family.
Dr Heather Tidbury
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I joined the Practice in April 2008 having been employed as a GP in Eastbourne for the previous four years. I live just outside Eastbourne and in my spare time I like to go to the gym to try and keep fit, am learning to sail and love travelling.
Dr Nicholas Pope
Salaried GP
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I qualified from the University of Bristol in 2002 and have worked in East Sussex since 2005. I joined the Practice in March 2009. My special interests include general medicine and care of diabetes. In my spare time I enjoy playing tennis, swimming and attending the gym.
Dr Opemipo Imoukhuede
Salaried GP
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Having qualified from the Latin American College of Medicine in Havana Cuba , I started working as a junior doctor in Surrey and underwent training at East Sussex. Outside of work I enjoy spending time with my family and in my spare time play/watch sports, listen to music and enjoy travelling
Dr Rupert Hutchinson
Salaried GP
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Dementia studies I qualified from Guy’s King’s and St Thomas’ Medical School in 2005. I have been a GP in East Sussex since 2010. I joined Seaford Medical Practice in January 2023. Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my family and you will tend to find me in Friston Forest on two feet or two wheels, or occasionally indoors making things. My special interests include care of the elderly and dementia.
Dr Sarah Richards
Salaried GP
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I qualified from St Georges Hospital Medical School in 1998 and have been a GP in East Sussex since 2002. I joined Seaford Medical Practice in April 2023 and my specialist interests are women’s Health, Diabetes, and Care of the Elderly. I live locally with my husband, 4 cats, 5 guinea pigs and several chickens.
Dr Rebecca Smith
Salaried GP
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I completed my GP training in Nottinghamshire in 2021 and worked in the area until moving back to Sussex to be nearer my family. I enjoy all aspects of General practice, with a particular interest in Menopause and End of life care. Outside of work I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, gardening, and walking our dog.
Our Acute Care Team
The Practice’s Acute Care Team is made up of highly skilled clinical professionals, which includes, Advanced Clinical Practitioners, Paramedics, Clinical Pharmacist and Duty Doctor.
Duty Doctor – works with the team to lead and manage the urgent needs of our patients. The Acute Care Team deal with the on-the-day medical requests generated through our online Patient Triage System and alongside this, they hold daily surgeries which comprise of face-to-face appointments and telephone appointments.
Advanced Clinical Practitioners – come from a range of clinical professions such as nursing and paramedics. They access, diagnose, plan, implement, prescribe, and evaluate treatment/interventions and care for patients presenting with an undifferentiated diagnosis.
Paramedics – Assess, diagnose, plan, implement and evaluate treatment/interventions, and care for patients within the clinical and domiciliary setting.
Clinical Pharmacist – works with the team to provide important pharmaceutical input where medications are required. They are also able to support patients via telephone appointments.
We have a team of Practice Nurses and Healthcare Assistants who provide a range of nursing services, including wound care, management of long term conditions, vaccination and cervical cytology.
Christine Thomsett
Clinical Nurse Manager
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EN,RGN. Day-to-day management of the nursing team. Diabetes and chronic disease management, well woman screening, anti-coagulation monitoring, ear micro suction, annual healthchecks for people with learning disabilities, respiratory condition monitoring
Alison Jones
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EN / RGN Asthma, blood pressure, spirometry, minor Injuries, triage, wound dressings, respiratory condition monitoring, child & adult immunisations, travel, diabetes & chronic disease management, well woman screening
Yas joined the Practice in May 2022 and has recently completed her Nursing Prescribing qualification.
Nic Gardener
Practice Nurse
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Nic joined the Treatment Room team as a Practice Nurse in August 2023.
Isabella (Bella) Simpson
Practice Nurse
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Bella joined the Practice in July 2023 as a Practice Nurse.
Danielle Willetts
Practice Nurse
Marisa Tavares Galveias
Phlebotomist / Receptionist
Our Healthcare Assistants
Karen Comelio
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Wound care & leg ulcer management, contraception monitoring, ear care, CHD / stroke / TIA management
Anita Jevans
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Phlebotomy (Over 16s)
Diane Langley
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Debbie Verrall
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Wound care, leg ulcer care, dopplering, compression hosiery & bandaging
Our Social Prescriber Link Worker
In January 2023, NHS England introduced a new Social Prescribing National Framework which is a key component of Universal Personalised Care. This approach connects people to activities, groups, and services in their community to meet the practical, social and emotional needs that affect their health and wellbeing. Social prescribing link workers give people time, focusing on ‘what matters to me?’ to coproduce a simple personalised care and support plan, and support people to take control of their health and wellbeing. Social prescribing also support existing community groups to be accessible and sustainable, and help people to start new groups, working collaboratively with all local partners. Social prescribing is an all-age, whole population approach that works particularly well for people who: • have one or more long term conditions • need support with low level mental health issues • are lonely or isolated • have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing.
Grainne O’Kill
Our Managment Team
Angela Paice
Business Manager
Lorraine Downey Practice Operations Manager
Ian Carter IT and H&S Manager
Paul Colburn Reception Manager
Sue Curtis Workflow Transformation Manager
Teirney Fraser Systems and Governance Manager
Nic Hone PCN Transformation Manager
Christine Scott Finance Manger
Our Medical Secretaries
Secretarial Staff Phone In Times
Nicola Cunningham
Sue Louati
Sara Moran
Louise Silver
Tracy Springall
Debs Wells
Carol Winser
Our Clinical Pharmacists
Grant Turner Clinical Pharmacist Manager
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I am the Practice based Clinical Pharmacist. I have been in post since June 2023 as part of the pharmacy team. Previously, I have worked in community pharmacy for 20 years before moving into GP surgeries. I am involved in Structured Medication Review, organising and updating medicines post hospital discharge and on consultant’s recommendations in the form of clinic letters. I can discuss and advise patients on their medication with regard to administration, side effects, dosages, and effectiveness. I can also recommend alternatives when medication is unavailable, ineffective or if side effects are causing significant problems.
Debbie Chadwick Pharmacy Technician
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I have worked as a pharmacy technician in a variety of roles for over 18 years and I have been covering Seaford medical practice since Sep-21. I joined Seaford Medical Practice full-time as part of pharmacy team in May-23. Some of my duties include looking over discharge summaries and clinic letters and contacting patients if there are any changes to medications, or to discuss newly started medications. I can also carry out medication reviews and look into queries about your medications. I help with looking into any alternatives if there are stock shortages to your current medications. I have recently started statin initiations following NHS health checks, and this runs as a Tuesday afternoon clinic.
Our Prescription Team
Our Prescription team organise all repeat prescriptions required. Please see our Repeat Prescription page for further details.
Grant Turner
Clinical Pharmacist Manager
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I am the Practice based Clinical Pharmacist. I have been in post since June 2023 as part of the pharmacy team. Previously, I have worked in community pharmacy for 20 years before moving into GP surgeries. I am involved in Structured Medication Review, organising and updating medicines post hospital discharge and on consultant’s recommendations in the form of clinic letters. I can discuss and advise patients on their medication with regard to administration, side effects, dosages, and effectiveness. I can also recommend alternatives when medication is unavailable, ineffective or if side effects are causing significant problems.
Debbie Chadwick Pharmacy Technician
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I have worked as a pharmacy technician in a variety of roles for over 18 years and I have been covering Seaford medical practice since Sep-21. I joined Seaford Medical Practice full-time as part of pharmacy team in May-23. Some of my duties include looking over discharge summaries and clinic letters and contacting patients if there are any changes to medications, or to discuss newly started medications. I can also carry out medication reviews and look into queries about your medications. I help with looking into any alternatives if there are stock shortages to your current medications. I have recently started statin initiations following NHS health checks, and this runs as a Tuesday afternoon clinic.
Our Care Co-Ordinator
Care co-ordinators help to co-ordinate and navigate care across the health and care system, helping people make the right connections, with the right teams at the right time
Mandy Aylett Care Co-Ordinator
Ka Wai Tang Care Co-Ordinator
Our Reception Team
This is the key part of our Practice, where patients will have their first contact, either in person, by phone or via online platforms. Our Reception team are highly trained to ensure patients are looked after and ensure they are sign-posted to the most correct part of the Practice to ensure their health needs are taken care of.